Consider StoryWorth

Looking for a gift idea? Consider StoryWorth.

Cost: $99/year (or less when they have a sale)

I gave a subscription to myself for Christmas. Once a week I get an email with a question to answer. They have over 300 questions so if I don’t like that one, I can choose another. I write about the topic and email it back, along with a photo or two. At the end of a year, my answers will be printed in a bound book. It’s a great way to save family stories in an easy to read format.

I have no husband, partner, or children. I’ve moved around for jobs in different parts of the country; no one went with me so no one knows the stories of my life there. But some day someone might be interested – a niece or great-nephew. And even if no one is ever interested, I’m glad to have a chance to get my stories, my history, my memories down while I can remember them.

I like to write and I like to let my mind wander about topics that I haven’t considered in a long time, such as how I got my first job and what were my favorite classes in college. For my genealogy friends, this is similar to #52Ancestors in that you get a different topic to write about each week, but you can do whatever you want with that topic. I’ve enjoyed what I’ve done so far and wish I’d known about this earlier and could have given it to my dad (with me doing the typing). It’s not too late for you, though. Think about it!

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